Liu, C. Y., & Chou, T. M. 2021. A Systems Approach to Institutional Diffusion in Taiwan’s Food Traceability System. International Journal on Food System Dynamics, 12(2), 125-148. (SCI)
Chia-Yi Liu, H.S Shaw, and Der-Fang Hung, 2020, Supplier management for Tainted Starch Event: Leezen Case, Industry and Management Forum, 22(3), 80-100. (TSSCI)
Chia-Yi Liu, Cheng-Yu Lee, 2019, “Multiple supply chain adoption under uncertainty”. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 49(3), 305-326. (SSCI)
Chia-Yi Liu, Cheng-Yu Lee* and Hsueh-Liang Wu, 2019, “A Quality Signal of Alliance: Evidence on Biopharmaceutical IPOs”, Organization and Management, 12(1), 47-82. (TSSCI)
Chia-Yi Liu, Lee, C. Y., & Tsai, H. J. S., 2018, “Corporate governance and food firms’ unethical production practices?”. British Food Journal. 120(10), 2222-2235. (SCI)
Chia-Yi Liu, Wu, H. L., & Lee, C. Y., 2018, “The relationship between patent attributes and patent litigation: Considering the moderating effects of managerial characteristics.” Asia Pacific Management Review, 23(2), 121-129. (TSSCI)
Chia-Yi, Liu, Hsueh-Liang, Wu*, Hwei-Wen, Pao, 2018, “The Effects of Innovative Capabilities and Institutional Pressure on Multiple firm response: A Taiwan survey of HR practice for aging workforce”, Organization and Management, 11(1), 63-100. (TSSCI)
Chia-Yi Liu, C.-T. Hsiao, Chung-Shu, Liu, 2017, “Sustainable Business Model of Social Enterprise: A Case of Leezen Company”, Journal of Management and System, 24(3), 455-476. (TSSCI)
Chia-Yi, Liu, 2016, “Institutional Isomorphism and Food Fraud: A Longitudinal Study of the Mislabeling of Rice in Taiwan”, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 29(4), 607-630. (SSCI)
C.Y. Lee, Wu, H. L.* and Chia-Yi, Liu, 2013. “Contextual determinants of ambidextrous learning: Evidence from industrial firms in four countries”. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 60(3), 529-540. (SSCI)
研討會論文(Conference paper)
Chia-Yi Liu (劉佳怡)* (2021.07). Opportunistic strategy under cooperation: The effects of perception of partners’opportunistic behavior on opportunistic decisions. Paper presented at 81th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Academy of Management.
Chia-Yi Liu (劉佳怡)* (2021.07). Diverse Stakeholders, Fitness, and Legitimacy: An Isomorphism Mechanism. Paper presented at 81th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Academy of Management.
Mei-Chuan, Hsueh and Chia-Yi Liu* (2019). Antecedents of Perceived Opportunism: Transaction Cost Theory and Co-opetition Theory. Paper presented at SIBR (Osaka) Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research, 4th - 5th July 2019, Osaka, Japan.
Cheng-Hsin, Chen and Chia-Yi Liu* (2019). Crucial Factors of Contract Farming Long-Term Cooperative Decision: A Prospect Theory Perspective. Paper presented at SIBR (Osaka) Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research, 4th - 5th July 2019, Osaka, Japan.
I-Wen, Chen and Chia-Yi Liu* (2019). Exploring the Sustainability of Organic Agriculture in System Resilience Perspective. Paper presented at SIBR (Osaka) Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research, 4th - 5th July 2019, Osaka, Japan.
Chia-Yi Liu (劉佳怡)* (2017.08). Ambidextrous Supply Chains:Managing Risk in Taiwan's Organic Agri-Products Market. Paper presented at 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia: Academy of Management.
(劉佳怡)* (2017.06). Dyadic Risk Perceptions and Ambidextrous Supply Chains: Managing Risk in Taiwan’s Organic Agri-Products Market. Paper presented at 2017 11th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Kitakyushu Convention Center, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka, Japan: Asia Academy of Management Web-page: http://aaom.asia/.
Chen-Yu Hsieh(謝鎮宇) and Chia-Yi Liu(劉佳怡)* (2017.06). Sustainable Development Model of Organic Agriculture: Taking Taiwan for Example. Paper presented at Annual meeting and conference of AFHVS/ASFS, Occidental College: Agriculture, food & Human Values Society Association for the study of Food and Society.
CHIH-PING CHANG(張志平), BO-KANG Liu(劉伯康), Chia-Yi Liu(劉佳怡)*(2015.11)。品嚐的聯合分析與品評測試: 台灣消費者對洋芋片接受性研究。論文發表於第三屆全國餐旅創新研發產學應用研討會暨第三屆全國餐旅IDEA創意設計大賽,高雄餐飲大學:全國餐飲協會。
CHIH-PING CHANG(張志平),Chia-Yi Liu(劉佳怡), TZU-MIN CHOU(周子閔), BO-KANG Liu(劉伯康)(2015.12)。聯合分析法語感官品評評估台灣消費者對市售洋芋片之消費行為。論文發表於台灣食品科技學會第45次年會,台灣大學:食品科學協會。
劉佳怡*、劉仲戌、蕭志同(2016.05)。社會企業之動態能力發展模式:以里仁企業為例。論文發表於企業倫理企業社會責任與永續發展研討會,致理科技大學 國際會議廳:致理科技大學財務金融系 管理與系統期刊。
C. I. Liu, C.Y. Lee (2014.08). How does patent litigation help disclose patent value?. Paper presented at 2014 Academy of Management Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Academy of Management Association.
C. I, Liu; Pi Hu, Chung (2015.06). Why do few firms acquiesce to mandatory regulations?. Paper presented at 2015 9th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Chinese University of Hong Kong: Asia Academy of Management Association.
C. I, Liu; H. L, Wu (2015.06). How does pre-IPO alliance experience reduce IPO anomaly?. Paper presented at 2015 9th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Chinese University of Hong Kong: Asia Academy of Management Association.
Chia-Yi, Liu (2010.08). What causes patent value more transparent? Evidence of patent litigation in PC chipset industry. Paper presented at The 70th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Academy of Management Association.
Chia-Yi, Liu (2007.09). Probing into the Development Strategies of Taiwan’s Photovoltaic Industry through Scenario Analysis. Paper presented at The 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Milan, Italy: European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association.
單驥、劉佳怡(2005.10)。台灣B2C 線上消費行為決策因素分析:聯立模型之應用。論文發表於工研院創新與科技管理研討會,台灣,新竹:產業論壇期刊。